Time to get back 2it

I’ve been using all my spare time on another photography project, and it’s high time I get back to this blog.  I have been shooting, so it’s just a matter of processing and choosing.

To start, here’s a man and his dog trying to stay cool on a very hot summer day.  Cute dog and behaving very well because he REALLY wanted to jump and lick and slobber.

Stay cool!

What you can learn from a Chigi!

This little pup is a Chigi – a mix of Chihuahua and a Corgi.  It’s not a very good photo as he was moving fast, but then his people stopped and when we talked they told me about a wonderful street photographer who didn’t have Flickr and WordPress to share her work, so I thought I’d spread the word (though I could be the last person to have caught onto her.)

